You can use all rules of the game systems from the "rules wikis" published by Ulisses Spiele. use. The use of other official texts of any kind is explicitly not permitted.
You have permission to use the name The Black Eye, Aventuria, Dere, Myranor, Riesland, Tharun and Uthuria, HeXXen 1733, Torg, Torg Eternity, Infiniverse, Possibility Wars, Storm Knight, Aysle, Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Nile Empire, Orrorsh, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold, The Black Cat and Fading Suns in your work. Furthermore, you are allowed to integrate the rules into any other open license system (such as FATE, Open D6, etc.) or self-developed systems, provided that your work does not violate the terms of the license of the target system.
You can create content for the game worlds of The Dark Eye (including the continents of Aventuria, Myranor, Riesland, Tharun and Uthuria), HeXXen 1733, Torg Eternity, The Black Cat and Fading Suns. You can also create alternative worlds or histories and products that deal with past or future events.
Permitted media
Role-playing supplements, game world expansions, adventures, literature, maps, maps and illustrations are all permitted under this license, video productions and digital games are not.
No illustrations or graphic design elements from Ulisses Spiele publications may be used, with the exception of those illustrations and graphic design elements provided as part of the ULISSES-SCRIPTORIUMillustration packages. You may use illustrations and graphic design elements from DriveThruRPG's stock art collection, from the public domain, or original illustrations and graphic design elements created or commissioned by you. In any case, you must have permission to use the respective illustration or graphic design element.
Logos and trade dress
The ULISSES-SCRIPTORIUMlogo must appear on the cover page of your work. It must be legible when viewed at full size. It does not have to and should not necessarily be the primary logo or the primary title graphic of your cover page. You may not use any other logos or trade dress from Ulisses Spiele publications, with the exception of what is provided as part of the ULISSES-SCRIPTORIUMillustration packs from Ulisses Spiele.
Creation specifications
We recommend that you use the ULISSES-SCRIPTORIUMtemplate to create your work, but you are not obliged to do so.
One or more of the following texts must always be included in the work (and must be inserted in the work where all other legal and copyright notices are listed). For each game world or insert the appropriate text for each game system that you use as part of the respective product.
The Black Eye:
This product was created under license. Das Schwarze Auge and its logos are registered trademarks as well as Aventuria, Dere, Myranor, Riesland, Tharun, Uthuria, The Dark Eye and their logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiele Distribution GmbH in Germany, the U.S.A. and other countries. Ulisses Spiele and its logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiel Distribution GmbH.
HeXXen 1733:
This product was created under license. HeXXen 1733 and its logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Spiele Deutschland, the U.S.A. and other countries. Ulisses Spiele and its logo are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiele Distribution GmbH.
Torg Enternity:
This product was created under license. Torg Eternity and its logos as well as Torg, Infiniverse, Possibility Wars, Storm Knight, Aysle, Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Nile Empire, Orrorsh, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold and their logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiele Distribution GmbH in Germany, the U.S.A. and the United States. and other countries. Ulisses Spiele and its logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiel Distribution GmbH.
The Black Cat:
This product was created under license. The Black Cat and its logos as well as Aventuria, Dere, Myranor, Riesland, Tharun, Uthuria, The Dark Eye and their logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiele Distribution GmbH in Germany, the U.S.A. and other countries. Ulisses Spiele and its logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiel Distribution GmbH.
Fading Suns:
This product was created under license. Fading Suns: and its logos are registered trademarks of Ulisses Spiele Deutschland, the U.S.A. and other countries. Ulisses Spiele and its logo are registered trademarks of Ulisses Medien und Spiele Distribution GmbH.
Finally, the following text must always be inserted in this section:
This work contains material that is copyrighted by Ulisses Spiele and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for ULISSES SCRIPTORIUM .
All other original materials in this work are copyright [2016] by [your name or that of your company] and are published under the Community Content Agreement for ULISSES SCRIPTORIUM .
Neither your work nor any other promotional material, including blog posts or press releases, may contain racist, homophobic, discriminatory or offensive views, overtly political agendas or views, depictions or descriptions of criminal acts against children, rape or other acts of criminal perversion, or other obscene material without the express written permission of Ulisses Spiele in the form of a document independent of this license.
Illegal and offensive content is not permitted. It is the responsibility of the creator of the content to ensure that his or her content does not violate any laws, copyrights, trademark rights, privacy or other rights.