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Content and Format Questions

What can I use in my titles in the Community Content Creators Program?

The degree to which you can use the game rules and settings vary. Refer to the Ulisses Scriptorium Content Guidelines for each program. Generally speaking, when you create your own title for the Ulisses Scriptorium  Program, you get access to a hoard of official IP resources.

Additionally, Ulisses Medien & Spiel Distributions GmbH will from time to time make additional resources such as stock art, template cover designs, template stat blocks, and other such assets available on for you to freely use in your titles for those respective publishers.

As other authors create content for Scriptorium Aventuris and expand the game through their titles, you then have access to use that material in turn. Was there a subplot another author didn’t fully explore? A location you’d like to re-use in your own adventure? All Community Content Program authors contribute to a pool of community content that can be re-used, expanded and explored by other authors in their works for that same program.

In short, this is an opportunity to take part in a massive communal design network, one that is officially recognized and sanctioned by the affiliated publishers.


Can I use iconic characters in the publisher's setting in my title?

This varies. Please see the Ulisses Scriptorium Content Guideline for each program to see if use of characters iconic to the official setting are allowed. Characters are generally considered part of a setting so if the Star Wars setting were included in a program, you could use Luke Skywalker in your title unless the Content Guideline said otherwise.

Can I create and sell content for older editions?

Only in cases where the Publisher has designated such in their Content Guideline. Most publishers would prefer content to be for the most current game edition only.  

Can I copy any information from the core rulebook in my title?

You can include things like summary stat blocks from the core rulebook in your adventure. Similarly, you can include game effects descriptions and the like as needed to make running your adventure easy on Gamemasters. Often, though, it’s just as easy on the GM if you refer her to the core rulebook instead.

In short, avoid copying large sections of the publisher's titles. Stick to summary information as needed when it's not easily referenced.

Can I convert old content from earlier editions to the current edition and publish it in the Community Content Program?

Yes, so long as you follow the program's Content Guidelines.

Remember that most programs do not allow you to re-use artwork from official titles and do not allow you to republish large sections of text lifted from official titles.

It is often better to write a conversion guide which helps fans who have an earlier edition supplement bring the supplement up to the current edition.

Can I sell my Community Content Creators Program title in print as well as PDF? 

At this time we are not allowing new print files for Community Content programs. If you have questions about this please contact publisher services at

How do I prepare the PDF of my title for sale?

There are many different programs to lay out and prepare your book for digital download. Here are some things to help you make sure your PDF will download properly and look great!


Lay out your Digital PDF from scratch...

QUICK SPECS (PDF) - To get you started.

QUICK CHECKLIST (PDF) - To be sure you don't miss anything.

Microsoft Word Tutorial and templates

Download MS Word Tutorial - Advice on how to use Microsoft Word, and a few other programs to prepare a DIGITAL ONLY title. POD titles can not be created in Word
Download MS Word Templates - A ZIP file containing Word (94) templates for 6" x 9", 6.14" X 9.21", 6.25" X 10.25", 7" x 10", 8.5" x 11", and 8.25" x 11" products.

InDesign Tutorial and templates

Download InDesign Tutorial - This tutorial will offer you some advice on how to use Adobe InDesign to prepare an optimized digital edition PDF book.
Download InDesign Templates - A ZIP file containing CS4 InDesign templates for6" x 9", 6.14" X 9.21", 6.25" X 10.25", 7" x 10", 8.5" x 11", and 8.25" x 11" products.

Scribus Tutorial and templates

Download Scribus Tutorial - This tutorial will offer you some advice on how to use Scribus to prepare an optimized digital edition PDF book. Scribus is a free layout program available at
Download Scribus Templates - A ZIP file containing Scribus templates for 6" x 9", 6.14" x 9.21", 6.625" x 10.25", 7" x 10", 8.5" x 11", and 8.25" x 11" products

EPUB & MOBI Tutorial and templates

EPUB & MOBI EXPORT TUTORIAL - FROM INDESIGN (PDF) - To show you how to prepare your InDesign file for export to the ePub format, and how to use Calibre to convert your ePub file to the Mobi format.

EPUB & MOBI EXPORT TUTORIAL - FROM MICROSOFT WORD (PDF) - To show you how to prepare your Microsoft Word file for export to the ePub format, and how to use Calibre to convert your ePub file to the Mobi format.

Phone PDF 
Phone PDF information and file creation guide


You've already created a PDF and want to see if it's upload ready. Our PDF's for Digital Titles are best when a few guidelines are followed. Check the links below to get your files ready!


You've already created your PDF and want to add enhancements.


Once your print files are ready to upload...

  • UPLOAD - Will show you where and how to upload your files for digital download

Do not security-lock your Digital PDF. For our watermarking security process to work, the PDF files must be unlocked (so they can still be edited). We add the watermark at checkout and then lock the file ourselves.

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