What kinds of artwork and maps can I use in my Community Content Creators Program titles?
The artwork (such as illustrations or maps) that you include in your title does not become part of a Community Content Program's content that other program contributors can then use. Here is general advice for these types of artwork:
Art and maps provided by the respective Publisher you are writing for. Some publishers will release art packs on DriveThru that are clearly noted as usable in the publisher's Community Content Program. This art is owned by the Publisher, but you and can be freely used in your titles for THAT Publisher ONLY. No other artwork from the Publisher or other Publishers who have their own Community Content Program can be used — only the art specifically released for that publisher's creators.
Public Domain Art. Art that you are certain is in the public domain can be used.
Stock Art. Usage of stock art depends on the license associated with that stock art. Most of the stock art sold under the Stock Art category on DriveThruRPG includes a license that would allow it to be used in your Community Content Program titles.
Commissioned Art. Usage of art that you commission from an artist depends upon your terms with the artist. You must have the rights or license to use the art in your title. The artwork does not become owned by Roll20 or by the Publisher for whom you are writing; you simply must have rights to use it in your commercial work.
Creative Commons. This depends on the type of Creative Commons license. Some allow commercial use, others do not.
Can I use the Publisher's logo on my Community Content Creators Program title?
Refer to the Ulisses Scriptorium Content Guideline for information on logo usage.